Manage Project, Result Analysis and Reward Distribution
Check Survey Results

Utilizing Statistics

Walla's Statistics offers a diverse analysis of basic survey information results.

  • You can view survey results with pie charts and bar graphs, and set whether to include legends.
  • You can resize or delete the cards containing data analysis results.


  • At the bottom of the statistics, you can add more cards for each field by clicking the 'Add' button.


Utilizing Analytics

Walla's analytics provide various basic information analysis on surveys. (The Free plan only shows data for the last 5 days.)

  • Set the period you want to view and check the data analysis results for that period.
  • Check how many times respondents have viewed the survey, started it, and completed it.
  • 'Views' means the total number of times the URL was accessed, including duplicate accesses, and 'Starts' means the number of times the survey was started by clicking buttons or scrolling.


You can view data on response rates, completion rates, and dropout rates in graph format.

  • You can check the daily values by hovering over the graph.
  • You can adjust the range of the graph at the bottom of the graph.


From the Pro plan onwards, you can check the views, dropouts, and time spent per field and date.

  • Hover over the views per field graph to see the number of views for each field.

    • For example, Visit 10 means the item was viewed 10 times.
  • Hover over the dropouts per field graph to see the number of dropouts for each field.

    • For example, Bounce 10 means the item was dropped out of 10 times.
  • Hover over the time spent per field graph to see the duration for each field.

    • For example, Duration 10 means the item was responded to for 10 seconds.


  • You can also check the average time spent per field and date.
    • You can see the time it took for respondents to answer all fields or specific fields.
    • You can adjust the range of the graph at the bottom of the graph.


View Individual Response

  • If you want to view responses one by one, check them in 'Individual Responses'.
  • You can download each response as a PDF.



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